Insurance Mapping & Test Compendium Mapping and Management

Boost Operating Efficiency and Collections with a Powerful Cross-Reference Mapping Tool 

Eliminate laborious manual cross-referencing and spreadsheets and improve claims approval and reimbursement with centralized control of insurance and test codes.

LKLiveMapping is a unique, web-based solution that allows laboratories to manage, maintain, and cross-reference insurance codes, test codes, and LOINC codes, as well as providing on-demand mapping from third-party applications.


Manage and Map Insurance Codes from Anywhere

Web-based dashboard provides overview of insurance mapping across all physician offices.

  • Review the record in the EMR/PM system
  • Change discontinued insurance codes with a single click across multiple offices.
  • Know when physician office change codes automatically.
Cross-referencing insurance codes is as easy 1, 2, 3
    1. View the record in the EMR/PM system.
    2. Search for the code in LKLiveMapping.
    3. Match it to your laboratory master record.

Web Services Integration for Interface Engines

Enables your laboratory interface engine and internal applications to make direct calls to the LiveMapping cloud server and query for mapping codes.

Secure Web Services
  • Allows all mapping to be managed from one centralized location.
  • Eliminates the need for back-office cleanup of data for claims submissions.

LKLiveMapping Compendium

LKLiveMapping’s end-point agnostic API provides connectivity to any system across departments, reference labs, hospitals, and practices to retrieve orders and results codes.

Save hours of manual, error-prone mapping
  • Retrieve orders & results codes
  • Map master code compendium against other code compendiums
  • Manage your lab's master compendium

Key Features

  • image description
    Audit Trail
  • image description
    Internal Master Lists Management
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    Batch Updates with a Single Click

Get In Touch!

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